Why “Emanate?”

Emanate: to flow out, proceed from its source or origin.

Early 2018 (aka the before times) was the heart of the #MeToo movement, a period of time that spurred many women to reevaluate their workplace experiences and to start exploring a different way of working. Balancing a young family and a leadership position in marketing and communications at a for-profit organization, I was one of them. I made a hard but conscious decision to work independently in an effort to create a healthier and more balanced way of working, and one with greater meaning and purpose.

With the onset of the pandemic, this movement only swelled, and the collective workforce began reevaluating their priorities and values. The Great Resignation saw women and men leave the workforce in mass, often in search of greater balance and work that reflected their values. For many, this opened a door to new possibilities and opportunities to put their rich expertise to work for themselves.

Emanating wholehearted leadership

We’ve long known that emotional intelligence, authenticity, vulnerability, and empathy haven’t always been valued as leadership qualities in the “traditional” workplace. However, the rise of women in leadership roles, as well as the mass disruption of the workforce seeking greater meaning and purpose, has contributed to a seismic shift where wholeheartedness is starting to play a greater and greater role in how the world works.

Ironically, in the world of marketing and communications, it’s many of these same heart-based qualities that build deep and meaningful connections with an audience. It’s this type of storytelling that allows for the audience and the communicator to connect from a place of shared aspirations and values.

For me, the heart has played an almost inseparable role in why I value my work and how I work. It’s often felt like my heart sits on the outside of my chest, very exposed and easy to touch. While that’s presented some challenges, it’s what has enabled me to connect deeply to a topic or with an individual in order to help them distill and articulate messages and stories that build connection and resonance.

Harnessing the power of our authentic story

In my journey as a freelancer and business owner, I began connecting with more and more women who had this same experience. Many of their intrinsic qualities – sensitivity, vulnerability, passion – weren’t represented in their workplaces or throughout their careers, leaving many to feel largely undervalued or minimized.

Also, while they desired a fulfilling career, it was equally important that it contributed to the greater good. Their commitment to making a difference and being of value often ranked well-above making money and, commonly, their own needs. In many ways, the onset of the #MeToo movement and the pandemic served as a catalyst for many to effectively reimagine work in way that honored these strengths and values and allowed them to recognize and own their leadership potential.

By harnessing their authentic and wholehearted storytelling, women leaders have the opportunity to connect in a meaningful way with their target audiences and create a ripple effect, but it’s not always easy to promote ourselves and our businesses. And marketing and communications is one item on a long and busy to-do’s and unknowns. As we increasingly put ourselves out there, we also commonly run up against mindset challenges that make it difficult to own our leadership.

Inspired by the women around me, I started Emanate Communications to help women own and emanate their leadership through their marketing and communications, including learning how to tap into and harness the qualities that build deep resonance as well as how to be strategic with their valuable but finite time and resources. Because — now more than ever — the world needs your voice.

Interested to know how Emanate can support you?
Let’s chat!




How to create content that leads with value


Grounding into your authentic self