Grounding into your authentic self

Being an entrepreneur or new business owner isn’t an easy path. It’s faced with a multitude of unknowns. Whether you’re launching a completely new business concept or learning operations for the first time, each step in the journey is a learning experience.

Underlying the journey is often a deep knowing and vision for what we want to create. It’s our “why” and it keeps us moving forward through each stage of the process. But there are times when we just feel stuck or uncertain. We disconnect from that “why” when we’re faced with a lengthy to-do list. Even taking steps to put ourselves out there can bring up feelings of being an imposter or old triggers of feeling like our voice doesn’t matter. Felt this way? Well, you’re not alone.

Grounding in our authentic selves

Like a car stuck in the mud, we often need tools to help us move forward. We can’t simply trust that the small, annoying inner-critic will go away on its own.

You might have a number of tools already in your toolbox to help you connect back to your “why” and keep you motivated. Increasingly, meditation is being widely embraced as an effective way to help us reduce stress, silence that internal voice, and find peace and mindfulness.

In addition to all of these benefits, meditation is also a helpful way to ground yourself and reconnect to what feels authentic to you. As an entrepreneur, you’re drive by an internal determination, that feeling and drive that often sits in your gut. Quieting the mind can help us tune back into our build-in instinct.

To help you get back to your “why” and reconnect with your authentic voice, we worked with Roya Darling Healing to create a meditation designed to help you take a moment to quiet the mind and tap back into your internal power sources and intuition.

We hope you use it as much or as little as you need it. Start your day with it or take a moment to sit with it when you’re feeling really challenged. Either way, we hope you enjoy it!

Download the Authentic Self Meditation


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