Happy International Women’s Day: A love letter

Over the last few weeks, I’ve gotten back into being the family genealogist, a hobby that I had before kids.

What’s struck me now, more than it ever did before, is that there are generations of women where no information remains. It’s Census record after record, since the early 1800s, where they’re simply listed as “homemaker.”

It doesn’t mean that they didn’t play a powerful role within their family or community and that they didn’t have or use their powerful voices – but we know that they had to work harder to be recognized for it.

I’ve tracked 12 generations of my ancestral lineage, and it’s not until my mother’s generation that she had a real choice about her life’s path. We all know this to be true – it’s no secret.

I often tell the story that, in living in DC, I’ve worked for at least three male bosses who saw a potential path for themselves to the presidency. I’ve never worked for a woman who even fathomed this as an option.

That will likely change, though, in our lifetimes, and my daughter’s generation will hopefully never see it any other way.

When I reflect on International Women’s Day or Women’s History Month, I see us at a truly incredible and pivotal point in history.

Perhaps, just by showing up, we’re clearing the ancestral trauma of every woman who came before us and who wasn’t heard or seen.

It doesn’t mean that it’s easy. That trauma – whether it’s ours or our grandmothers’ – doesn’t magically disappear. We have to work at using our voice and having it heard, but if we do, we create clear pathways for those ahead of us.

This year, I want to truly honor women leaders and particularly solopreneurs who:

  • Show up for themselves and for others

  • Take impressive steps to be thought leaders, in whatever shape and form it takes

  • Give 110% to their work

We may be on this journey for a number of reasons, but I’ve been honored to work closely with so many who are driven by a deeper knowing that this is their path.

They have a vision and leadership that’s shifting the collective consciousness – and they have the courage and opportunity to explore it.

Their passion and drive fuels me, and I’m so grateful for their partnership.


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